Colonel Suresh Patil

Colonel Suresh Patil

Visionary Conservationist & Founder of Green Thumb Foundation

Introduction to Colonel Suresh Patil's Work

This video provides an overview of Colonel Suresh Patil's remarkable journey and his impactful work in environmental conservation.

Impactful Work

Khadakwasla Dam Desilting

Spearheaded the massive desilting project, removing millions of cubic meters of silt and significantly increasing the dam's water storage capacity.

Afforestation Initiatives

Led extensive tree-planting campaigns in the dam's catchment area, enhancing biodiversity and reducing soil erosion.

Community Engagement

Mobilized local communities and volunteers, creating awareness about water conservation and environmental protection.

Policy Advocacy

Actively engaged with government bodies to promote sustainable water management policies and practices.

Video Gallery

Khadakwasla Dam Desilting Project Overview

Interview with Colonel Suresh Patil

A Fight Beyond the Battlefield | Suresh Patil | TEDxVITPune

खडकवासला डॅम पुनर्भरण | कर्नल सुरेश पाटील | पर्यावरण | Khadakwasla Dam Refill | Colonel Suresh Pati

L.C. Suresh Patil | भारत-पाकिस्तान युद्धाचा किस्सा - अजूनही लढत आहोत, पर्यावरण दिनाचे विचार

Photo Gallery


"Colonel Patil dedication to environmental conservation is truly inspiring. His work has transformed the way we think about water management in Pune."

Dr. Anjali Deshmukh

Environmental Scientist

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